
Sunday, March 12, 2006

Today, even though it was the start of this Colorado Close-up, has been awsome.

But I'll talk about the horse expo, first, since that's why I came down here two days earlier.

On Friday, we drove around Denver for a bit looking for a CompUSA so that I could get a new fax/data card for my laptop, since my sister lost the cord to the original. Then, after going to look around at the expo and buying a few things (mostly for Becca, like a new saddle and some boots, but I did get a cool money clip) we went to find a hotel room. Well, I couldn't get the card to work, cause my cord wasn't working (and I didn't know that I could switch the floppy drives and the CD drives in my laptop). So, we had to go BACK to CompUSA to get that taken care of, and then I remembered that I needed an Ethernet port to actually use the internet services in hotels these days. So, I bought this Ethernet port thing, and realized it wasn't compatible with my laptop when I got back to the hotel. So, being the patient person she is, mom took be BACK, again, to CompUSA, where I finally got the correct Ethernet card.

Saturday, went back to the Expo, since mom and Becca wanted to attend some presentations. Then, around noon, we drove around most of Denver trying to find a tattoo parlor called Emporium of Design. Finally found it, but it was more expensive than what I thought it was, and I needed to redo the design anyway, so I'm still holding off on the tattoo.

Now, today. I sat through very long, somewhat boring meetings and chats about parts of the government and something about the media. After that, we were asigned our rooms and allowed to relax before dinner (some sort of chicken, and some rice that tasted weird, and some sauteed veggies), then sat through a speech.

Finally, the fun part!

Jamie, Darla, Justin, and me went down two blocks to this strip club called Diamond Cabare (I think I spelled that right...) and we walked in. Me, Jamie, and Darla waited in the lobby while Justin went in to ask for a pen. Well, they didn't have a pen, so he asked for a t-shirt. Well, they had t-shirts, so the four of us pooled money for this $10 shirt. We got the shirt, and then walked back to the hotel.

I am thinking about going back there tomorrow to get myself a shirt. I want one.

I'll write tomorrow if I get a shirt.
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