
Monday, February 13, 2006

I was looking back through some of my old posts, the ones I managed to write when I was in New Zealand and Australia. I think I figured out how Jason figured out I was gay. I swear he must have read it in my blog after I gave him the addy. I asked Leslie if she had told, and she said no. I didn't get a chance to ask Alyssa, though... and it's also possible that my gayness (how I hate that word) is more obvious than I think it is and someone just made a lucky guess, and it's also possible that someone said it just to see if they could rile me up.

However, there are plenty of people that overlook the painfully obvious.

I still feel retarded, though.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I still feel horrible about how I treated Jason. It wasn't intentional, I wasn't even aware of it. And now I've found the contact info I was supposed to give him before everyone split, in my carry-on. I swore I gave that to him, but apparently I was retarded (this is becoming habit) and didn't.

I'm sorry, Jason...

I am going to Pride on my own this summer. I won't -be- on my own when I get there, but that's good enough. Planning on rooming with Amanda (and her girlfriend, unfortunately... my first impression of her wasn't that great, and I'm considering giving this person a second chance as this first impression -was- over a chat and not face-to-face, but we'll see) I still need to get dates all set up, but by the time June rolls around I should have plenty of money for when I go down there. Gas and food and gifts and all, you know? Room fee, too.

This means I will not be doing anything with my car until after I go into college, most likely. Provided DADC gets back with me and accepts me, and if they do, I start in July. (Yes, Amanda, I'll come change your oil... and all you perverts out there need to just back off, 'kay? 'Kay)

I found this really neat store on the internet that specializes in Australian goods. Boots, hats, shirts, drovers (similar to trench coats), saddles, all sorts of stuff. http://www.downunderweb.com/intro.htm I'm looking into the Tasman Drover, with the vest/hood/chaps/hat extras. I'll have to get oilskin reproofing, too, to keep the whole thing waterproof...

Oh, to slightly derail, do NOT put "chaps" in the Yahoo Search. Or any search, for that matter.. good thing I didn't do that at school, Leslie would have killed me...

I also found this store that specializes in Egyptian wares; books, instruments, jewelry, statues, all sorts of stuff. It looks pretty good, too. I am going to expand my statue collection, as I have five right now (Brass or copper ones. Selkis, Anubis, Ra, Tut (I'm assuming), and Sekhmet) http://www.aldokkan.com/

That's all for now. You can thank Amanda for getting me to update this thing, it's been forever since I've written in it. Sorry. >.>
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