
Friday, May 20, 2005

Read this...


It's obvious. People think creating a second-class citizen ship and discriminating against its own people is more important than, say, the "war" effort. Or unemployment. Or the homeless. Or illegal aliens. Or oil. Or finding cures for serious diseases and cancers, like AIDS or breast cancer.

Need I go on?

It's official. I've decided to miss that plane coming back from Australia. I'll just see if Tressa's player'll let me move in with her until I get my own place. Not that it's likely or anything... Or maybe I'll just move to Canada.

I don't get it though. A country's government that claims to value freedom over everything else is trying to pass a law that will limit freedoms of a minority group simply because they can't stand the thought of two men or two women being married and in love and trying to adopt kids who need good parents, or because they think it's "unnatural".

They called african-americans "unnatural" way back when, you know. "White" people couldn't bear sharing an eating establishment with them, and when they had to, they african-americans were always moved to the back of the line.

And who says kids need a mother and father, sex wise? Shouldn't that mean that divorce should be banned? What about pre-marital sex? (Did I spell that right?) Shouldn't those be banned, too? As in, to the point of jail time or discrimination? Should those kids be taken away because they don't have a "natural" mother and father figure? I think it's a mother and father, action wise.

I have the urge to write many many senators and say what I just did.

In fact, maybe I will. I'll be voting age in October. :P
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