
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I'm getting the feeling that Amanda won't be returning that e-mail anytime soon. Not that I can blame her.... but I told her I was going to be honest in whatever I did. And I had to tell her that I was having a few problems, that I needed some time to get through a few things, and what I thought of this whole engagement thing.

I still hurt, and I know I cry. When I wake up, I feel exhausted and I have that dried-tear-trail feeling on my face.

It'll be a long while before I hear from her... that makes me depressed, but I can't stop to think on it. I have to keep going, I have to catch up in school and work. Most of my grades are C's, with a few minus', and one B... and an A- in journalism. History, Science, geometry, and spanish have the C's. History surprised me, but the rest didn't. Those have never been my best classes.

I went and joined Gay.com, since I've heard a bunch about it from Rachael and several other sources. Kinda like PlanetOut, just without the comics. ( <3 Bitter Girl. ) The personals on PlanetOut have also seen better days... I'll need to borrow Becca's digital camera, since mine is a $10 piece of shit. Ever notice the profiles with pictures get more hits?

Eh, gotta go. School. Blah. I can't find my english essay anywhere... and it was due yesterday. Potter's gonna kill me. (Yes, her last name is Potter. Please don't laugh. That's mean. :P )

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