
Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Depressed. But I'm not sure completely why. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Caramel woke me up, so I had to clean out his kennel. And then I kept having these dreams... like someone was chasing me. Or hunting me, or something like that. I didn't like it.

And then, near the end, someone told me to drive to Gunnison, but mom was standing in the middle of the road between Lorenzo and Peetz. So I had to stop, pick her up, and drive her back home. Needless to say, I didn't drive to where I was told to.

Not that I can legally do that, anyway. I have nearly ten months to go before I can, among other things.

And my appetite is gone. Again. :( Still no computer.

I'll be working Thursday as a cook-in-training at Buffalo Point. And I think I have to work only two more days at Perkins, this Saturday and Sunday.

I really don't have anything else to write about... except the usual.

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