
Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Never Be There

Cannot trust, don't want to see
The painful truth of the reality
You're like the rest, refuse to try
You would not care, were I to die

Your friendship with me, just a ploy
To you, I'll always be a toy
You're like the others, always behind my back
Compassion and sincerity is what you lack

You'll never keep your promise, never be there
Yet you wonder why you're never treated fair
Let me tell you, you are a fake
I know this, but my heart continues to ache...

It's not directed at anyone, I was just really depressed and angry when I wrote it. So many people have made the "always be there" promise to me, and so very few have kept it. But... I'm extremely grateful to those who've kept their promise. They should know who they are, but if they don't, they need to talk to me. :P (I'll give two hints, though. One is my Buddha-loyal friend, and the other is the one I share the "elephants don't fly" joke with. They have kept their promises. Thank you so, so much.)

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